Coming Home
Coming home
means many things—
the people waiting for me
my looking for them
where have they been?
the questions we’ll ask one another
surprises at how one another
and seems
in taking it all in through
excited senses
homecoming tears –
I find myself speechless
without a clue
as to
where I’ve actually been.
coming home
of late
another thing
on another plane
an emptying
of what is prescribed
or even on the coveted list
of yesteryear… a letting go
of things I thought were me
my life …
Now I have more
space and time
to simply Be
taking in the Truth
my eyes
do see.
For the Peace this brings
I AM astounded, and Truly Grateful.
Trump D Dumpty sits on his wall
Trump D Dumpty’s having a great fall
All of his lies and all of his cronies
Can never put Trump D Together again.
Hallelujah! As Truth Will proceed
We Will all be able to do our best deed...
Together Now! No matter the weather!!
Let’s Rightfully weave our nation together!