Our Virtually Live PoetryBridge - #4 will feature Kerry Cox and Pamela Carter followed by virtually live community mic. The following are brief bios that I received for our regular reading in March that featured fourteen readers.
Only members of the PoetryBridge mailing list receive an invitation link. If you would like to be added to this email list or would like to sign up for community mic, please email me at info@poetrybridge.net
For thirty years Pamela Hobart Carter taught science, preschool, and a few other things. Now she teaches on the side, and writes poems, plays, fiction, and non-fiction.
Her plays have been read or produced in Seattle (her home), Montreal (her childhood home) and Fort Worth (where she has only visited).
Kerry Cox is a Seattle poet who spent 7 years in New Orleans writing and performing poetry. Her poems have been published in Journeys, online whispers & [Shouts], origami condom, On the Cusp and received Honorable Mention in Anthology magazine's annual poetry contest. An aspiring poetry therapist, she facilitates workshops and writing groups using poetry as a healing tool.